My vision is that it is just as normal for everyone to go to therapy as it is to go to the gym. I want to encourage people to take responsibility for their own mental and physical health. That's why, with Kairos, we create holistic experiences that do just that. As a Holistic Health Therapist, in addition to our programs, workshops & retreats, I also accompany you in in-depth 1:1 sessions on your personal issues.
Certified Epigenetics Coach
Holistic Female Health Therapist
Pschological Consultant
Ocean, book & cat lover, reading your energy before you even said hi
I want to you to make your mind the most beautiful thing about you. Because your life can only sparcle if you do.
I have painfully experienced myself what it means to be mentally and physically ill. My childhood and adolescence were characterized by a strong performance mindset, narcissistic relationship dynamics and low self-worth. I found refuge in acting out various eating disorders that brought me to a very dark place both physically and mentally. All the therapy approaches I had tried didn't seem to work for me - today I know why: isolated therapy approaches ONLY on a physical or mental level, which is what conventional therapy methods are designed for, always fall short in my personal experience.
Through my eating disorder, I was able to experience for myself how emotional injuries transform into destructive beliefs, which then manifest themselves on a physical level. My emotional pain led to thoughts of inferiority and very little self-love and I found redemption in starving the pain in my body.
Healing was only possible for me when I took responsibility for myself and started to work on all three levels: Body, mind and soul, I started to work with myself. Along the way, I completed various training courses to enable holistic healing not only for myself but also for other people.
Today I am proud and happy to be able to pass on my experience and professional knowledge through Kairos. It's an incredible honor for me to accompany other beautiful souls on their healing path and bring back their sparkles in their eyes, in my role as Holistic Health Therapist.
Love & Light to you